Passing of Property and Actual Delivery
To pass property in the goods actual delivery is not necessary, but if the goods are ascertained and in deliverable state, then the property will pass in the goods immediately upon the contract having been made, notwithstanding the time of payment of the price or the time of delivery of goods, or both, having been postponed.
- Digamber Pershad Kirti Prasad v. State of Uttar Pradesh & Ors. AIR 1996 All 1 [Summary] [Full Text]
Sale by Description:
- Beale vs. Taylor [1967] 3 All ER 253 [Summary]
Right of an Unpaid Seller:
- Kalka Prasad Ram Charan v. Harish Chandra AIR 1957 All 25 [Summary] [Full Text]
- Badri Prasad v. State of Madhya Pradesh & Anr. 1969 SCR (2) 380 [Summary] [Full Text]
Frustration of Sale Contract:
- Dominion of India v. Raj Bahadur Seth Bhikhraj Jaipuria AIR 1957 Pat 586 [Summary] [Full Text]