
Lalubhai Chakubhai Jarivala v. Shamaldas Sankalchand Shah

AIR 1934 Bom 407 Brief Facts: Plaintiff, a chemist, in 1927 started with one Girdhanlal, brother of Defendant, a partnership concern being Jarivalla Shah & Co. In this firm, Defendant  was a clerk. The firm had an experimental branch under the namr Jasco & Co., lead by one Dr. Patel. In August, 1928, Plaintiff left…

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Rediff Communication Limited v. Cyberbooth & Anr.

Rediff Communication Limited v. Cyberbooth & Anr. AIR 2000 Bombay 27 Brief Facts: Plaintiff, Rediff Communication Limited was an on line media company carrying on the business of communication and providing services through the internet since 6th January 1997. On 8th February 1997, Plaintiff registered the domain name ‘REDIFF.COM’, with Network Solutions, Inc. In March,…

Jagdish Gopal Kamath and Ors. v. Lime & Chilli Hospitality Services

Jagdish Gopal Kamath and Ors. v. Lime & Chilli Hospitality Services IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY Notice of motion no. 2586 of 2012 in Suit no. 2549 of 2012 Decided On: 11.03.2015 Facts: • Plaintiffs claimed to be the registered proprietors of the marks ‘Café Madras’ since 2005 in Classes 16 and 42. Plaintiffs…

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M/s. Bengal Waterproof Limited v. M/s. Bombay Waterproof Manufacturing Company and Anr.

M/s. Bengal Waterproof Limited v. M/s. Bombay Waterproof Manufacturing Company and Anr. 1997 (17) PTC 98 (SC) Question: whether the suit filed by the Appellant (Plaintiff) against the Respondents (Defendants) in the Court of Chief Judge, City Civil Court, Hyderabad being Original Suit No. 123 of 1982 was barred by the provisions of Order 2…


Blue Cross Laboratories Ltd. Vs. RB Remedies Pvt. Ltd.

Blue Cross Laboratories Ltd. Vs. RB Remedies Pvt. Ltd. IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY Decided On: 27.01.2015 Plaintiff was registered proprietor of the trade mark ‘CEDON’ as of 14.08.1996 in respect of pharmaceutical products. In August 2014, the Plaintiff learnt about the use of the mark ‘CEFDON’ by Defendant in respect of similar goods,…


Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Vs. Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd.

Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Vs. Corona Remedies Pvt. Ltd. In the Bombay High Court of Bombay 10.09.2014 Plaintiff was proprietor of registered trademarks, OROFER and OROFER-XT. Defendant was using COROFER and COROFOER-XT. Facts: • In 1996, the Plaintiff’s marks OROFER and OROFER-XT were registered. • In 2006, the Plaintiff noticed the Defendant’s advertisement in the Trade…