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In Re General Electric Broadcasting Company, Inc.

In Re General Electric Broadcasting Company, Inc. 199 U.S.P.Q. 560 (TTAB, 1978) Brief Facts: Applicant filed an application to register a mark consisting of the sound made by a Ship’s Bell Clock as a service mark for Radio Broadcasting Services. The mark was described as “a series of bells tolled during four, hour sequences, beginning…


M/s General Electric Company v. Altamas Khan and Ors.

M/s General Electric Company v. Altamas Khan and Ors. CS(OS) No.1283/2006 Keywords: Parallel Import, Exhaustion, Trade Mark FACTS: The plaintiff, General Electric Co. filed a suit against the defendants to restrain them from misrepresenting themselves as authorized distributors of the plaintiff and from trading as GE Dehumidifiers or in any other deceptively similar trading style and…