
Nathu Lal and Ors. v. Mst. Gomti Kaur and Ors.

Nathu Lal and Ors. v. Mst. Gomti Kaur and Ors.  AIR 1940 PC 160 (Material Alteration) FACTS: Plaintiff executed a sale deed (A) in favour of defendants who in turn executed a deed (B) for conditional transfer of the properties sold to them both on 25th March 1844, condition being paying the stipulated consideration amount…


Percept D’Markr (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. Zaheer Khan & Anr.

Percept D’Markr (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. Zaheer Khan & Anr. Appeal (civil) 5573-5574 of 2004 FACTS: Defendant entered into a contract for management of his media affairs with the plaintiff company on the term that prior to the completion of first negotiation period and thereafter, plaintiff will have the ‘right of first refusal’ in regard…


Central Inland Water v. Brojo Nath Ganguly and Anr.

Central Inland Water Transport Corporation v. Brojonath Ganguly 1986 SCR (2) 278 (Standardised Contracts-Public Policy-Unconscionable Bargains-S.23-Void) FACTS: Plaintiffs worked in a company which was dissolved by Court’s order and they were then inducted into defendant Corporation upon latter’s T&C. After years of serving Corporation, plaintiffs were arbitrarily kicked out of the Corporation by virtue of…