
Lingo Bhimrao Naik v. Dattatrya Shripad Jamadagni

Lingo Bhimrao Naik v. Dattatrya Shripad Jamadagni  (1937) 39  BOM LR 1233 (Minor-Undue Influence-S.16) FACTS: Defendant, adoptive mother of plaintiff, was alleged to use undue-influence to obtain the consent of the plaintiff, once he attained the age of majority, to ratify the gift deeds made to her daughters in regard to non-watan property. Though the…


Proform Sports Management Ltd. v. Proactive Sports Management Ltd. and Anr.

Proform Sports Management Ltd. v. Proactive Sports Management Ltd. and Anr. [2007] 1 All ER 542 (Contract for Necessity-Voidable Contract recession) FACTS: Proform entered into a representation contract with wayne rooney, a famous footballer when he was a minor (of 15 years of age). The contract was to expire after two years. During the last…


Leslie Ltd. v Sheill

Leslie Ltd. v. Sheill (1914) 3 K.B.607 (Minor agreement—void—equitable relief) FACTS:  Defendant obtained loans from plaintiff by fraudulently misrepresenting that he was of full age at the time of contract. Defendant sued him to recover the money. ISSUES: 1) Whether defendants are entitled to equitable restitution against loan given to minor? 2) Whether they could claim…


Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose

Mohori Bibee v. Dharmodas Ghose  (1903) 30 Cal. 539 (Minor Agreements) FACTS: Agent of defendant advanced money to plaintiff, an infant, fully knowing his incompetency to contract, against mortgage of property belonging to latter. Plaintiff commenced this action to get the mortgage declared as void u/s 2, 10 and 11 of ICA and repossession of property thereunder conveyed to…