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In Re General Electric Broadcasting Company, Inc.

In Re General Electric Broadcasting Company, Inc. 199 U.S.P.Q. 560 (TTAB, 1978) Brief Facts: Applicant filed an application to register a mark consisting of the sound made by a Ship’s Bell Clock as a service mark for Radio Broadcasting Services. The mark was described as “a series of bells tolled during four, hour sequences, beginning…

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Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc v OHIM

Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc v OHIM (R708/2006-4) Board of Appeal Date of decision: 27th September, 2007 In 2004, the Applicant applied for registration “The Tarzan Yell”[1] through a sonogram. The sonogram/proposed sound mark is depicted herein below: The examiner did not consider the sonogram as an acceptable ‘graphical representation’ of a sound mark and relying…

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Shield Mark BV v. Joost Kist h o d n Memex

Shield Mark BV v. Joost Kist h o d n Memex; Case No. C-283/01 European Court of Justice Brief Facts: Registrant (Sheild Mark BV) of the mark had 14 registered trade marks in its favour granted by Benelux[1] Trade Marks Office. The registrations were in Class 9 (computer software (recorded), etc.), 16 (magazines, newspapers, etc.),…